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Monday, April 18, 2011

Do we need the list for more than a quaint reminder of the way we all used to work?

why do we keep seeing these lists of "rules" that were last likely to follow when Donna Reed was the mother of America's favorite television? Do we need the list for more than a quaint reminder of evening dresses the way we all used to work?

I have a radical idea: Let's get rid of the list to keep as a historical oddity. Instead, let's start giving real-world practical advice on the budget for a wedding cocktail dresses. We will encourage couples happy to be pleasantly surprised when someone offers a donation to the fund instead of imagining that Dad pays for everything, because it is their job.

If you want to finance the whole thing or give a gift to pay for the flowers or the reception room or a band, that's beautiful. Accept or reject the offer based on their individual relationship and situation. But do not assume it is until it's offered.

There. I said. I firmly believe that couples should expect to finance their own weddings plussize wedding dresses out of pocket until someone (ie, the potential donor), hereby make the suggestion. And when that person has money, still depends on the couple or not choose to take.



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